Free Bisulfite Primer Design Tool

Bisulfite Primer Seeker

亚硫酸氢底漆导引头是free bisulfite primer design tool that generates primers for Bisulfite Specific PCR (BSP). This free bisulfite primer design tool simplifies the tedious process of bisulfite primer design. Successful bisulfite primer design is critical to unbiased, region-specific DNA methylation analysis. Bisulfite specific primers can be used as one part of a Sanger sequencing or targeted NGS workflow.

Features of the Bisulfite Primer Seeker Program:

  • Capable of designing primers in CG-rich regions where others usually fail
  • Multiple options for amplicon length and sequence location within the region of interest
  • Option to design multiple primers to tile along the full length of your sequence

Bisulfite primers should always be optimized in the lab using an annealing temperature gradient. For more detailed information on primer validation and optimization, theBisulfite Beginner Guidecovers these topics and more. For specific questions or feedback on this tool, please

0/ 2000 bp
